News and Site Updates
June 9, 2010: The SIGMOD program has been updated with links to their digital library Web pages.
June 8, 2010: Updates to the printable version of the SIGMOD/PODS program have been posted.
June 8, 2010: Slides for Han et. al. and Srivastava et. al.'s tutorials have been posted on the SIGMOD tutorials page.
June 8, 2010: Updated the link to the New Researcher's Symposium on the Program at a Glance to http://www.cs.umass.edu/~yanlei/SIGMOD10-NRS.html.
- June 8, 2010: Twitter support has been created for SIGMOD. Please refer to the Web Streaming page.
- June 8, 2010: Updates have been made to the award section of online version of the SIGMOD program regarding the Dissertation Award and the Demo Award.
- June 8, 2010: Information regarding traveling to and within Indianapolis has been posted.
- June 3, 2010: Select SIGMOD/PODS and SOCC sessions will be streamed on the Web. Please check the streaming schedule.
- May 27, 2010: Web site update: Slight changes were made in room assignments (primarily T-Th coffee breaks, PODS session). These changes are reflected in the Schedule at a Glance and the PDF version of the program.
- May 21, 2010: Web site update: SIGMOD Awards Information has been posted.
- May 21, 2010: Web site update: Tutorial information has been updated.
- May 20, 2010: Web site update: Information on shipping items to the conference hotel has been posted.
- May 18, 2010: Web site update: Best Demo Contest information and PDF versions of the conference program have been posted.
- May 17, 2010: The conference hotel, the Hyatt Regency, has been sold out. Please look at the accomodations for other nearby hotels.
- May 6, 2010: When attending SIGMOD, please consider staying at the official conference hotel.
- May 4, 2010: Reminder: The early registration deadline has been extended to May 15.
- April 29, 2010: Student travel grant information has been posted.
- April 29, 2010: The early registration deadline has been extended to May 15.
- April 13, 2010: A preliminary schedule has been posted.
- April 13, 2010: Reminder: Sigmod early registration ends on May 7th and online registration ends on May 28th. Early hotel registration ends on May 15.
- April 2, 2010: Sigmod early registration ends on May 7th and online registration ends on May 28th.
- March 31, 2010: Registration link is up.
- March 15, 2010: Added additional vistor information to the site.
- March 15, 2010: Information on the conference banquet been posted.
- March 11, 2010: Accepted PODS papers have been posted.
- March 11, 2010: Accepted Undergraduate Posters have been posted.
- March 11, 2010: The link for U.S. visa information on the visa information page has been updated.
- March 2, 2010: Accepted tutorials and a preliminary schedule-at-a-glance have been posted.
- March 1, 2010: Visa information for international visitors has been posted.
- February 28, 2010: Preliminary lists of accepted research track, industry track, and demo track papers have been posted.
- February 19, 2010: Formatting instructions for final (camera ready) papers have been posted on the Paper Formatting Instructions Web page.
- February 19, 2010: The Workshop list has been updated with the Workshop on Data Management on Modern Hardware URL.
- February 16, 2010: The Workshop list has been updated with the Database Mentoring Workshop URL.
- February 11, 2010: Information for those interested in exhibiting has been posted.
- February 3, 2010: The deadline for undergraduate student posters has been moved for February 20.
- January 17, 2010: Affiliated conference information has been updated.
- January 7, 2010: Conference hotel information and visitor information have been updated.
- December 14, 2009: Accepted Workshops have been listed in the Affiliated Conferences and Workshops page.
- December 2, 2009: Updated the PODS submission deadlines with times of day.
- November 13, 2009: Added an Affiliated Conferences & Workshops page under Links.
- October 28, 2009: The SIGMOD abstract and manuscript submission times have been set to 11:30PM PST on the respective dates.
- October 28, 2009: The SIGMOD Repeatability Requirements have been posted. Also, a link to the Programming Contest has been updated.
- October 18, 2009: The Call for Workshop Proposals Web page has been updated.
- October 14, 2009: The PODS submission site has been added to the important dates Web page has been updated.
- October 13, 2009: The SIGMOD Industrial Track CFP page has been updated.
- October 4, 2009: Added SIGMOD Conference Program Note page has been added.
- September 1, 2009: The SIGMOD Industry Track Program Committee page has been updated.
- August 24, 2009: The Demo Track Program Committee page has been updated.
- August 20, 2009: The Conference Officers and SIGMOD Program Committee pages have been updated.
- August 4, 2009: The Call for Demos, PODS Call for Papers, and Credits pages have been updated.